Unlocking WOTC: How Employers Can Qualify for Tax Credits

How Can An Employer Be Eligible For The Wotc


How can an employer be eligible for the WOTC?

  1. Hire from a WOTC targeted group.
  2. Submit Form 8850 to the State Workforce Agency within 28 days of the employee’s start date.
  3. Obtain certification that the new hire is from a targeted group.

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a federal program designed to incentivize employers to hire individuals who face significant barriers to employment. The WOTC offers a valuable tax credit, reducing the employer’s federal tax liability. This initiative not only benefits businesses financially but also promotes inclusion and diversity in the workplace.

By hiring individuals from specific targeted groups such as veterans, SNAP recipients, ex-felons, and the long-term unemployed, employers can qualify for this tax credit. Each of these groups faces unique challenges in securing employment, and WOTC aims to support their integration into the workforce.

Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs like WOTC, potentially improving your business’s cash flow by up to 40%. This streamlined approach saves time and reduces paperwork, allowing you to focus on what matters most—running your business.

Key steps to WOTC eligibility infographic - how can an employer be eligible for the wotc infographic infographic-line-3-steps

Understanding WOTC Eligibility

How can an employer be eligible for the WOTC?

To qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), employers must follow a few essential steps. First, they need to hire individuals from specific targeted groups. Once a potential hire is identified, the employer must complete the pre-screening notice using IRS Form 8850. This form must be filled out on or before the day a job offer is made.

job interview - how can an employer be eligible for the wotc

The completed Form 8850 must be submitted to the State Workforce Agency (SWA) within 28 days of the employee’s start date. This form serves as a certification request to confirm that the new hire belongs to one of the WOTC targeted groups.

Additionally, employers need to fill out either ETA Form 9061 (Individual Characteristics Form) or ETA Form 9062 (Conditional Certification Form). These forms provide detailed information about the employee’s eligibility and must accompany Form 8850 when submitted to the SWA.

Targeted Groups for WOTC

The WOTC program identifies several targeted groups that face significant barriers to employment. By hiring individuals from these groups, employers can qualify for the tax credit:

Veterans: This group includes veterans who are unemployed, receiving SNAP benefits, or have a service-connected disability. Hiring veterans helps them transition to civilian life and reduces their reliance on government assistance programs.

Ex-felons: Individuals hired within one year of their conviction or release from prison. This group faces challenges in reintegrating into society, and WOTC provides an incentive for employers to offer them a second chance.

TANF Recipients: These are individuals who receive assistance under a state program funded by the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Act. The assistance must be received for at least nine months within the 18-month period ending on the hiring date.

SNAP Recipients: Individuals between 18 and 40 years old who receive benefits under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This group aims to transition from government assistance to stable employment.

SSI Recipients: People who have received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) within 60 days prior to their hiring date. This helps individuals overcome the limitations of a fixed income and gain financial independence.

Long-term Unemployed: Candidates who have been unemployed for at least 27 consecutive weeks before they were hired. This group often struggles to re-enter the workforce, and WOTC encourages employers to help them find stable employment.

By understanding these targeted groups and following the certification process, employers can unlock significant tax savings while contributing to workforce diversity and inclusion.

Steps to Apply for WOTC

Completing IRS Form 8850

The application process for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) starts with IRS Form 8850, the Pre-Screening Notice and Certification Request. This form must be filled out by both the employer and the job applicant on or before the day a job offer is made. The purpose of Form 8850 is to determine if the applicant belongs to any of the targeted groups eligible for WOTC.

Key Steps:

  1. Pre-Screening Notice: On page one of Form 8850, the applicant answers questions to identify if they belong to a targeted group, such as veterans or SNAP recipients.
  2. Certification Request: On page two, the employer provides details including the dates the applicant gave information, was offered the job, was hired, and started the job.

Important: The form must be submitted to your State Workforce Agency (SWA) within 28 days of the employee’s start date. Missing this deadline means forfeiting the tax credit for that hire.

Submitting ETA Form 9061 and 9062

After completing Form 8850, the next step involves submitting ETA Form 9061 or ETA Form 9062. These forms collect more detailed information about the new hire’s eligibility.

ETA Form 9061 – Individual Characteristics Form (ICF):

  • Purpose: This form gathers specific information about the new hire’s characteristics to support their eligibility for WOTC.
  • Action: Complete this form when the new hire has not been pre-screened by a state employment agency or other participating agency.

ETA Form 9062 – Conditional Certification Form:

  • Purpose: Used if the employee was pre-screened and identified as potentially eligible for WOTC by a participating agency.
  • Action: If the new hire has a conditional certification, this form simplifies the process by confirming their preliminary eligibility.

Submission Deadlines:

  • Form 8850: Must be submitted to the SWA within 28 days of the new hire’s start date.
  • ETA Forms 9061 or 9062: Should accompany Form 8850 when sent to the SWA.

State Workforce Agency (SWA):

  • The SWA is responsible for reviewing these forms and certifying whether the new hire qualifies for the WOTC.
  • Follow-up: Keep in touch with the SWA to ensure your forms are processed. Sometimes, additional information may be required to complete the certification.

By following these steps and ensuring timely submission of all required forms, you can streamline the process of applying for the WOTC tax credit. Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs, improving cash flow by up to 40%.

Next, we’ll explore how to calculate and claim the WOTC, including monitoring employee hours and wages.

Calculating and Claiming the WOTC

Monitoring Employee Hours and Wages

To qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), you need to keep a close eye on your employees’ hours and wages.

Here’s why it matters:

  • 120 Hours: Employees who work at least 120 hours but less than 400 hours qualify for a partial credit. This is 25% of their qualified wages.
  • 400 Hours: Employees who work 400 hours or more qualify for the full credit. This is 40% of their qualified wages.

Qualified wages are the first $6,000 in wages paid to each eligible employee during their first year of work.

For example, if an employee works 350 hours and earns $6,000, you could claim a credit of $1,500 (25% of $6,000). If another employee works 450 hours and earns $6,000, you could claim a credit of $2,400 (40% of $6,000).

Filing for the Tax Credit

Once you’ve monitored and calculated the eligible hours and wages, it’s time to claim the credit. Here’s how:

  1. IRS Form 5884: This form, “Work Opportunity Credit,” is used to claim the WOTC on your tax return. Fill out the employee details and calculate the credit.

  2. IRS Form 3800: This form, “General Business Credit,” aggregates the WOTC with other business credits. Attach Form 5884 to it.

  3. Annual Tax Returns: Include Form 3800 with your business’s annual tax return (Forms 1040, 1040-SR, 1041, 1120, etc.).

For tax-exempt employers, the process is slightly different:

  • Form 5884-C: Tax-exempt organizations claim the WOTC against payroll taxes using this form. File it separately after filing your employment tax return.

Remember: The credit is limited to the amount of business income tax or Social Security tax owed. If your WOTC exceeds your tax liability, you can carry it back one year or forward up to 20 years.

By following these steps and leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology, you can ensure you’re maximizing your WOTC benefits efficiently.

Next, we’ll dive into some frequently asked questions about WOTC eligibility.

Frequently Asked Questions about WOTC Eligibility

Does getting a WOTC mean I got the job?

Not necessarily. Being eligible for WOTC or filling out the WOTC questionnaire doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the job. Employers consider many factors when making hiring decisions, such as your skills, experience, and fit with the company culture. However, your eligibility for WOTC could make you a more attractive candidate to employers looking to take advantage of the tax credit.

Is the WOTC form voluntary?

Yes, it is. Employers are not obligated to recruit WOTC-eligible applicants, and job applicants don’t have to complete the WOTC eligibility questionnaire. However, filling it out can be beneficial. According to Rockerbox, some employers prioritize candidates who could qualify them for the WOTC, which might speed up the hiring process.

What are the WOTC benefits for employers?

Significant tax savings. The WOTC offers a dollar-for-dollar reduction in federal income tax liability, which can greatly reduce or even eliminate your tax burden. This is not a deduction but a direct reduction in the taxes you owe.

Diverse workforce. According to the IRS, the WOTC boosts diversity and helps create more equitable workplaces by incentivizing the hiring of individuals from groups that face significant barriers to employment.

Improved cash flow. Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs, improving your cash flow by up to 40%. This means more resources to reinvest in your business.

Broader perspectives. Hiring from diverse backgrounds can bring new ideas and perspectives to your organization, potentially leading to innovation and better decision-making.

By understanding these benefits, employers can better appreciate the value of participating in the WOTC program.

Next, we’ll explore the steps to apply for WOTC, including detailed instructions on completing and submitting the necessary forms.


Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs, improving your cash flow by up to 40%. This means more resources to reinvest in your business.

Broader perspectives. Hiring from diverse backgrounds can bring new ideas and perspectives to your organization, potentially leading to innovation and better decision-making.

By understanding these benefits, employers can better appreciate the value of participating in the WOTC program.

Next, we’ll explore the steps to apply for WOTC, including detailed instructions on completing and submitting the necessary forms.


Rockerbox simplifies the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) process, making it easier for employers to qualify and claim these valuable tax credits. Our technology automates the screening and application steps, ensuring no eligible candidate is overlooked.

By integrating WOTC into your hiring process, you not only tap into a diverse talent pool but also enhance your company’s financial health. Our system keeps you informed of deadlines and compliance requirements, so you can focus on growing your business.

Improving Cash Flow: With Rockerbox, you can boost your cash flow by up to 40%. This gives you more funds to invest back into your operations.

Simplifying the Process: Our user-friendly platform handles the heavy lifting, from pre-screening candidates to submitting forms. This means less paperwork and more efficiency for your HR team.

Leveraging Technology: Rockerbox’s advanced tools ensure you maximize every tax credit opportunity. We provide real-time updates and detailed reports, so you always know where you stand.

Ready to unlock the full potential of WOTC for your business? Explore Rockerbox’s WOTC solutions and see how we can help you streamline your tax credit process and improve your bottom line.

By partnering with Rockerbox, you can turn tax credits into a strategic advantage, fostering a more inclusive workforce and driving financial growth.

WOTC Target Groups - how can an employer be eligible for the wotc