R&D Tax Credits: Refundable or Not?

Are R D Tax Credits Refundable


When it comes to tax credits for research and development, many business owners wonder, “are R&D tax credits refundable?” The quick answer? No, they are not refundable. However, there are still significant benefits to be gained from these credits, including reducing your tax liability and enhancing your cash flow.

Key takeaways:

  • R&D tax credits are nonrefundable.
  • Can offset income tax liability.
  • Unused credits can be carried forward for up to 20 years.

Understanding how to leverage R&D tax credits can make a big difference for your business, freeing up valuable resources for other innovative projects. At Rockerbox, we specialize in leveraging proprietary technology to help businesses automate tax credit programs. This can improve your cash flow by up to 40%.

My name is Philip Wentworth, Jr., co-founder of Rockerbox. With over two decades in technology and finance, helping small business owners optimize their tax credits is my passion.

Tax Credit Benefits - are r&d tax credits refundable infographic pillar-4-steps

What Are R&D Tax Credits?

R&D tax credits are a federal incentive designed to encourage businesses to invest in research and development. The goal is to spur innovation and technological advancements by reducing the financial burden of these activities.


R&D tax credits, outlined under Section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code, offer a dollar-for-dollar reduction in tax liability for certain qualifying expenses. These expenses can include wages, supplies, and payments to third-party contractors involved in R&D activities.


The primary purpose of R&D tax credits is to incentivize businesses to invest in innovation. By reducing the cost of R&D, companies are encouraged to develop new or improved products, processes, and technologies. This not only benefits the individual businesses but also contributes to the overall economic growth and technological advancement of the country.

Qualifying Activities

To qualify for R&D tax credits, activities must meet the IRS’s four-part test:

  1. Qualified Purpose: The activity must aim to improve a product, process, software, technique, invention, or formula.
  2. Technological Uncertainty: There must be uncertainty about whether the activity can be achieved or how to achieve it.
  3. Process of Experimentation: The activity must involve evaluating alternatives through modeling, simulation, or systematic trial and error.
  4. Technological in Nature: The activity must rely on principles of engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, or similar fields.

Here’s a quick example: A company developing a new software platform to improve customer service would likely qualify. They are aiming to improve a process (customer service), facing technological uncertainty (will the software work as intended?), and using a process of experimentation (testing different software algorithms).

Section 41

Section 41 of the Internal Revenue Code is the backbone of the R&D tax credit. It lays out the rules and definitions for what constitutes qualified research expenses and activities. Understanding this section is crucial for businesses looking to take advantage of the credit.

Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs and improve cash flow by up to 40%. This can be a game-changer for businesses looking to maximize their R&D investments.

Next, we’ll dive into the specifics of whether R&D tax credits are refundable and how they can be used to offset tax liabilities.

Are R&D Tax Credits Refundable?

A common question businesses ask is: Are R&D tax credits refundable? The straightforward answer is no, but there’s more to it. Let’s break down what this means and how you can still benefit from these credits even if they aren’t refundable.

Understanding Nonrefundable Credits

Nonrefundable tax credits, like the R&D tax credit, are designed to offset your income tax liability. This means they can reduce the amount of tax you owe, but they won’t result in a cash refund from the IRS if the credit exceeds your tax liability.

For example, if your business owes $10,000 in federal taxes and you have an R&D tax credit worth $15,000, your tax bill will be reduced to zero, but you won’t get a check for the remaining $5,000.

Key Points:
Offset Tax Liability: The primary use of nonrefundable credits is to lower your tax bill.
No IRS Check: If your credit is larger than your tax liability, you won’t receive the difference as a cash refund.
Excess Credits: Unused credits can still be valuable, thanks to carryforward and carryback options.

Carryforward and Carryback Options

If you have more R&D tax credits than you can use in a given year, you have options to ensure they don’t go to waste.

20-Year Carryforward

One common strategy is to carry the excess credits forward to future tax years. The R&D tax credit has a generous 20-year carryforward period. This means you can apply unused credits against your tax liability for up to two decades.

Your business has a $50,000 R&D credit but only owes $10,000 in taxes this year. You can use $10,000 of the credit to eliminate your current tax bill and carry the remaining $40,000 forward to offset future taxes.

Previous Year Application (Carryback)

Another option is to carry the credits back to a previous tax year. This can provide an immediate benefit by allowing you to amend a prior year’s tax return and potentially receive a refund for taxes already paid.

A company with a $100,000 tax liability last year and a $225,000 R&D credit this year can use $100,000 of the current credit to cover last year’s tax, generating a refund. The remaining $125,000 can then be applied to this year’s or future years’ taxes.

Benefits of Carryforward and Carryback:
Immediate Cash Benefit: Carrying credits back can result in a quick refund.
Long-Term Planning: Carrying credits forward allows you to maximize their value in years when your tax liability is higher.

Leveraging these strategies, along with Rockerbox’s proprietary technology, can automate tax credit programs and significantly improve your cash flow by up to 40%.

Next, we’ll explore the steps to claim R&D tax credits, including the necessary forms and documentation.

How to Claim R&D Tax Credits

Filing IRS Form 6765

To claim R&D tax credits, you need to fill out IRS Form 6765, also known as Credit for Increasing Research Activities. This form is crucial for documenting your qualifying R&D expenses and calculating your credit.

Form 6765 is divided into four sections:

  • Section A: For the regular credit. This section requires information on your qualifying research expenses (QREs) and gross receipts.
  • Section B: For the alternative simplified credit (ASC). This method is simpler as it only uses QREs for its base amount calculation.
  • Section C: Identifies additional forms and schedules based on your business structure.
  • Section D: For qualified small businesses (QSBs) making a payroll tax election.

The IRS recommends calculating your credit using both the regular and simplified methods to see which offers the greatest tax benefit.

Required Documentation

Supporting documentation is essential to substantiate your R&D tax credit claim. The IRS operates on a “trust, but verify” basis, meaning you need to provide solid evidence of your R&D activities.

Here’s what you need:

  • Financial records: Show payments made for R&D activities.
  • Business records: Demonstrate that payments were for qualifying expenses.
  • Oral testimony: Statements from employees or contractors involved in R&D.
  • Technical documents: Blueprints, patents, progress reports, and other materials that detail your research.

The more detailed your documentation, the better. This helps ensure your claim stands up to scrutiny if audited.

Qualifying Expenses

Not all R&D-related expenses qualify for the tax credit. Here’s what typically counts:

  • Wages: For employees directly involved in R&D or supervising these activities.
  • Supplies: Used directly in research.
  • Contractor expenses: For third-party R&D services (limited to 65% of the total payment).
  • Cloud computing costs: For software used in R&D.


The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015 expanded the R&D tax credit, making it more accessible, especially for small and mid-sized businesses. This act allows eligible small businesses to apply the credit against their payroll taxes, even if they have no income tax liability.

Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate these processes, helping businesses improve their cash flow by up to 40%.

Next, we’ll dive into the specifics of how small businesses can offset their payroll taxes with R&D credits.

Payroll Tax Offset for Small Businesses

Small businesses often struggle with cash flow, especially in the early stages. The Payroll Tax Offset is a game-changer for these businesses, allowing them to use R&D tax credits to reduce their payroll taxes. Let’s break down how this works and who is eligible.


To qualify for the Payroll Tax Offset, a business must meet the following criteria:

  1. Gross Receipts: The business must have less than $5 million in gross receipts in the taxable credit year.
  2. Business Age: The business should not have gross receipts for more than five years before the taxable credit year.
  3. R&D Credits: The business must have R&D credits that it can use in that year.

Even companies that have been around for more than five years but meet the other criteria can benefit. For example, many life science companies with $0 gross receipts for long periods before their drug receives FDA approval can qualify.

Gross Receipts

Gross receipts include total sales (net of returns and allowances) and all amounts received for services. This also includes income from investments and incidental or outside sources. Businesses under common control must aggregate their gross receipts to determine eligibility.


The Payroll Tax Offset allows eligible businesses to use up to $250,000 of their R&D credits annually to offset the employer portion of Social Security tax. Starting from December 31, 2022, an additional $250,000 can also be used to offset Medicare tax. This means businesses can offset up to $500,000 in payroll taxes each year.

For instance, a company with 100 employees, each earning an average salary of $95,000, would pay around $589,000 in Social Security payroll taxes and $137,750 in Medicare payroll taxes. This company could use the Payroll Tax Offset to cover up to $500,000 of these taxes annually.

$250,000 Limit

The offset can be applied against:

  • Social Security Tax: Up to $250,000
  • Medicare Tax: Up to $250,000 (starting from December 31, 2022)

However, the offset cannot be used against any other employment tax liability and is not refundable in the absence of liability. If a company can’t use the credit to offset its payroll taxes in a particular quarter, it can carry the credit forward to subsequent quarters, provided the $500,000 annual cap isn’t exceeded. Excess amounts can be carried forward for 20 years to offset future regular tax liability.

Real-World Example

Example: A tech startup founded in 2020 has $300,000 in eligible R&D costs but no gross receipts to date. The R&D expenses generate a credit of approximately $30,000. Since the company meets the criteria, it can use this $30,000 credit to offset its FICA payroll tax on its quarterly Form 941 filings.

Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs, helping businesses improve their cash flow by up to 40%.

Next, we’ll explore how to claim R&D tax credits effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions about R&D Tax Credits

How Much Can You Get Back for R&D Tax Credit?

The amount you can get back through the R&D tax credit depends on several factors, including the type of scheme your business qualifies for and the nature of your expenses.

In the U.S., the credit typically equals 5 to 10 cents for every dollar spent on qualified research expenses. However, this can vary:

  • RDEC Scheme: Under the Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) scheme, large companies can claim a credit worth 13% of their qualifying R&D expenditures.
  • SME Scheme: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can benefit even more, often getting back up to 25% of their eligible R&D costs.

These credits can significantly reduce your tax liability, freeing up cash for other business needs.

Can Tax Credits Be Refundable?

R&D tax credits are generally nonrefundable. This means they can only reduce your tax bill to zero, but you won’t get a refund check from the IRS if the credit exceeds your tax liability.

For example, if you owe $500 in taxes and qualify for a $1,000 R&D tax credit, your tax bill will be reduced to zero, but you won’t receive the remaining $500 as a refund.

Is the R&D Tax Offset Refundable?

While R&D tax credits themselves are not refundable, there are ways to still benefit if you can’t use the entire credit in a given year:

  • Carryforward: If you don’t owe enough taxes to use up all your R&D credits, you can carry the unused credits forward for up to 20 years. This allows you to apply the credit to future tax bills.
  • Carryback: Some businesses can carry the credit back to the previous year, reducing their past tax liabilities and potentially getting a refund for taxes already paid.

In some cases, small businesses with gross receipts of $5 million or less can apply the credit to offset up to $250,000 of their payroll taxes. This is particularly useful for startups that may not have income tax liabilities in their early years.

Leveraging Rockerbox’s proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs, improving cash flow by up to 40%.

Next, we’ll explore how to claim R&D tax credits effectively.


Leveraging R&D tax credits can be a game-changer for businesses, particularly those in technology and innovation sectors. While these credits are nonrefundable, they offer significant benefits by reducing tax liabilities, carrying forward unused credits, and offsetting payroll taxes for eligible small businesses.

Rockerbox is here to help you maximize these benefits. Our proprietary technology can automate tax credit programs, improving your cash flow by up to 40%. This means more capital to reinvest in your business, driving innovation and growth.

Don’t miss out on potential tax savings. Discover how Rockerbox’s tailored solutions can transform your business by optimizing R&D tax credits and enhancing your overall financial strategy. Let’s work together to take your business to new heights.